My 8RGA+ motherboard which features the nForce2 GT chipset. Buy Intel if you don't like your money. |
This pic is shows an anacronism (ie, it's out of date because of a case upgrade), but this is my motherboard's ATX power connector. |
Hey, look at that! A Winbond chip. I don't know what it does, but anything silicon is worth taking a picture of (definitely not a freudian slip). |
I should update this one aswell. With my new case, the backpanel actually fits over the ports! |
All this needs is some heat shrink tubing (brock: winkwink). This is also old (man, I hate updating! ;) ) |
More silicon. This is where the BIOS is stored. Behold: the EEPROM! |
Some fan power headers at the top of my motherboard (was tempted to use the word mobo there). I wonder how much space ePox had to sacrifice for that chip under there... |
I hope you can tell I'm a wiring freak. |
Hey, I learned about these in E&M. I think... (Ah yes, inductors, my favorite breakfast cereal) |
Viewing this might give you neck trouble. I disclaim all injuries associated with viewing the galleries -- and, while I'm at it, the rest of the site. |
I haven't really found a use my serial or game ports. In fact, I don't even have them installed anymore. Wouldn't it be great if everything was usb? |
This heatsink is one of the sexiest ever. Oh yeah, the south bridge is under there too ;). |
ONly bested by this one, which tops the nForce2 northbridge |
Never buy less than Antec. They won't do you wrong. This ps gave out on me only a few mo. of use. I guess I learned my leason about getting what you paid for... |