![]() :: VirtualDaniel :: |
:: Vintage VirtualDaniel :: |
todo list :: future plans friends :: people I know galleries :: me in action contact :: personal info Inventor Award :: AIA | :: Old Stuff ::
12/27/204 -- This is pretty sad. I haven't updated in over four months. I guess that's ok since no one is viewing this site anyway (including me). I'm not going to take it completely down though, because it looks pretty nice, and I did spend some time creating it. I need to find a new download source for the inventor files though, not sure what happened to the space my friend was providing, but appearantly, he can't give it back. Not like it was a huge loss since, after all, no one is viewing this site. 08.16.2004 -- Since my last update two months ago, I haven't gotten a single email telling me to keep up this site -- although my cousin has told me through IM that he does visit occasionally. While he is a cool guy, it does seem that this is rather a waste of time. Wasting time is, of course, bad; therefore, I arrive at the question: What am I ultimately going to do with this site? First of all, I have no intention whatever of abandon it. I will either have to continue maintaining it the way it is, or to completely overhaul it. I am immediately weary of the second option; as you can imagine, it would require a considerable time-investment. On the otherhand, I could not help being consumed with regret over having failed to achieve my ultimate goal in providing this site that it would find utility among a fair number of mostly friends, and acquaintances but hopefully an occasional stranger. To reconstruct this site would also be a consession that its subject is not all that interesting, namely me ;). So far, I am favoring a new site, but whether or not I will actually commit to build it remains uncertain. You'll know how I've decided when you visit next. School starts in less than a week! Oh my... 06.15.2004 -- I'm long over due for an update. Well, it's summer again. Looks like I'll be going to Cal next year. Just came back from CalSO. Met lots of interesting people there -- alot of them looked like other people I know, esp this one kid, JaSon who looks alot like JeSSie Marsh. It was crazy because of the face and the J and S thing. Makes me wish I had a camera phone. I can't wait to get away from home. I think it's gonna be great. It'll be a little scarey at first, probably, but I think once I start having fun and whatever, it'll be all good. Hopefully, I'll get out more since Unit 3 is supposed to be, how shall we say, roudier? than foothill. Whatever. I get a starbucks employee discount now -- that's because I work there ;). Looks like summer is going to be busy because I still want to do stuff with SLAC and DMP, but I don't know how I'm going to do that now that I'm at Starbucks. At least it'll help keep me from traveling all over the place. Finally, I'll be spending more of my summer at home. Sounds ironic doesn't it? Well, the rest of my fam is going to France without me, so it'll almost be like being on my own ;). I think this will be for a week. You might hear about this later; maybe not though. I just want to know if people are reading this stuff at all. Drop me a line if you are. I'm thinking about only having the Robot content on here now because that's really the only thing I really care about anymore. I already setup another tripod account so I can put it on there, but that could be alot of trouble. Hopefully, if aaron gets off his butt some time and fixes my account on his domain, that'll help things, but it's been a few months since anything has happened ;) (hehe). 04.18.2004 -- I'm sure you all have been wondering what ever happened with that Inventor Award thingy. Announcing this years winner... TEAM 342! Wait a minute, we're team number 253. Oh well. Congrats to the Burning Magnetos for their excellent accomplishment in winning the AIA. Of course, I'm a little dissappointed for not winning (ok, I'm really dissappointed), but team 342 is a well deserving team. Take some time to check out the Inventor Award on their site. 03.20.2004 -- You'll notice the new section on the left, Inventor Award, which I highly recommend viewing. I added a while ago, but I haven't gotten around to announcing it until now. I'm rather tiered of working on this project, so I'll just leave it up to you to figure out what it is. 02.29.2004 -- Crap, tomorrow is March 1st. There gonna be alot of stuff I have to do in March, most of which I won't want to (having to do with college and paying for it). But that's not what this update is about; I'm going to start putting robotics stuff up here. I guess I haven't talked about it on my site yet, so I'd better introduce it. I'm on the Mills Robotics Team, and we build robots (du). I'm going to post pictures of the robot, which we all worked hard on (fruedian slip?). Oh, and I finally got cable internet (!), which means it'll be easier for me to upload all these -- and other -- beautiful pics on the site (yay!). And I've added an Archive section for aging updates that are no longer "current" (yeah, like I update this site). The logo contest is still on so don't all of you submit your entries all at once now... Latter that day... (after getting some sleep) Wow, I stayed up WAY too late working on this website, but everything is working now. The galleries have suddenly become the biggest part of the site. I need a way to balance it out.. 12.30.2003 -- Well, I haven't updated in a long time, and I don't really see myself doing any serious work here for a while... Sorry guys. I think this site is fialing. I made it when I was bored over the summer, I guess, so now that I've got all sorts of, a-hem, crap to do, I can't keep up with this. Maybe when I have a real reason to have a site besides killing time, I'll do more with it. Until, then you aren't going to see many changes here. Later... 08.19.2003 -- Probably wonderin if I'm dead or something if you've been checking in at all lately. Well, I'm not, I just went on vacation to Florida to see my cuzin and Chicago to see my dad (parallelism probelm?). Probably could have updated the sight from there, but eh... Alot of stuff happened, but the only thing I'm going to mention is I got a new 19" monitor a few days ago and it's pretty sweet and school is gonna start next week :(. I might die THEN so stay tuned. 06.21.2003 -- Didn't expect another update so soon, but I'm sort of using ICS now. Sort of because I have to run network setup wizzard every time I log on because Juno creates a new connection every time it logs on and deletes it when it logs off. Grrr. Also saw my dad again. It was cool. 06.19.2003 -- Got my 50' crossover cable in the mail today. Now my computers are networked. Still need to figure out how to share the internet, but otherwise, network looks great. Also, my dad's visiting SF for a conferencec so I got to spend time with him. Haven't updated the galleries yet for my new computer (it's pretty ugly looking now) but I'll have it done soon... 06.17.2003 -- Got back last night from my visit to my dad in Chicago. Been gone since Thursday last week. Also, all the parts for my new computer arrived Thursday. I'll be posting some picks of it in the galleries section. That was pretty exciting. Now all I need is a 50' crossover cable and I can share the internet with my mom's computer (too bad it's dialup, but networking will still be cool). Ordered that this morning before going to bed. 06.08.2003 -- Pretty much everything you see here is new so far; this site was created today. Navigation should be pretty easy. Just use the navigation bar on down the left side of the page. Don't yet have a logo so I think I'll have a contest for it. Send submissions via my contacts page. |