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:: Autodesk Inventor Award::
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Well, I guess the matrix already has you, so you might as well stick out the rest of the ride. Enjoy!

One Globe Motor drviging TWO corral arms? Back in my day, we had to walk through the snow, uphill both ways.

This 500 Watt drive train comes standard on all 2004 MRT robots. That has got to be the finest swiss cheese on the motor mount ever.

This globe drives a gear rack, press fit into some moded 8020 extusion, for the moveable finger on the claw. Does anyone smell cheese?

We cleaned this up in the final design for the corral. There was a scarey amount of trial and error going on here. Should have modeled it in Inventor first.

I think we're tempting fate here by moving our COM so high off the ground, but I'm told pushing other robots is against the rules ("but it was an accident. I swear!").

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