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:: Autodesk Inventor Award::
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You're going to have to make a choice. In one hand, you'll have Mills Robotics Team (R)...and in the other hand, you'll have your own. One of you is going to die..which one...will be up to you...

Due to space issues, the ball corral is on the back instead of the front. This should make for some interesting matches.

We know many teams use pneumatics for their arm, but we used motors instead to save weight.

Our main sponsors, Fairchild Semiconductors and DeVincenzi Metal Products earn these decals on our 2004 robot. Thank you for sponsoring MRT!

Although some were initially worried about space issues concerning internal wheel design, we wanted to keep our wheels safe.

This hood covers the sensitive electronics and looks totally sweet. We stenciled that stuff on a big piece of Lexan (R).

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